Gabhart, Carl

State: KY

Units: 123 Civil Engineering Squadron4392 Civil Engineering Squadron (Vanderberg AFB), while on active duty.


Years Of Service: 20

Carl Richard (Rick) Gabhart was born on November 23, 1944 on Tyndall AFB in Florida. After having spent one year in ROTC, I decided I wanted to be in the Air Force. Apparently being born on an AFB got into my blood. I spent 6 months at Lackland AFB doing Basic Training first and then attending Officer Training School. My first assignment was at Vandenberg AFB in California working in the 4392nd. Civil Engineering Squadron. After four years active duty, I left the AF and decided to join my brother in Gabhart Heating and Air Conditioning in Louisville, Ky. Missing the Air Force life, I found a position in the 123rd Civil Engineering Squadron at Standiford ANGB in Louisville. I served the rest of my time in various positions in the 123rd. It was a great experience and some of the people I feel closest too in the world are friends made in the Guards. A lifelong bond has been created due to the importance of the mission of helping to keep the United States of America safe and strong.